AKAK Review: Ohio Rapid Fire Gen 2 Galil Receiver

AK Review: Ohio Rapid Fire Gen 2 Galil Receiver

(updated 03-17-2020)
I reviewed an ORF Galil receiver a few years ago, and while it could be built, it had several problems that may made it a challenging build for the even an experienced builder. Todd Grove at Ohio Rapid Fire produced a “new” receiver which he claims rectified all of the problems with his “old receiver.” A significant concern is that Todd has steadfastly refused to acknowledge any problems with the “old” receiver, describe what was changed on the “new” receiver, nor indicate how an “old” receiver can be differentiated from a “new” receiver.

AK Files, 02-11-08, Todd Grove of ORF stated “We do not stand behind our products that are assembled by others”

AK Files, 02-12-08, Todd Grove at ORF stated “Right side had contact, left did not of approx .007.” This was in reference to the improperly machined receiver locking lugs, but he insisted that the builder was responsible for grinding the in-spec factory bolt, to fit his receiver.

ORF supplied the receivers to Century Arms International for their “Golani” Galil clone. There is rumor that Caspian Arms is now making a better receiver for Century Arms International, but I have yet to see one for evaluation. This review documents my build on this receiver, but is not a Galil-building tutorial per se. For a more thorough tutorial on building a Galil on a quality IMI receiver, please see my Galil Build Tutorial.

Shooting a rifle on his receiver resulted in the locking recesses mushrooming, and an independent facility that he agreed upon, concluded the receiver was not properly heat treated.

Given Todd’s unwillingness to deal with legitimate concerns, his constant lying, and shifting the blame for his defects onto the builder, I have serious doubts as to the value of this review. I certainly will never purchase another product from ORF, nor accept any of his products for builds.

Receiver Inspection
Pre-assembly receiver inspection revealed several noteworthy points. Overall appearance of the ORF receiver is good. It is in the white with a sand blast finish. An IMI galil sporter (post 1989) receiver is shown for comparison purposes. The receiver has a large hole for the selector. Original select-fire Galils have a left-side selector with “safe” in the forward position.
Bottom view
Closeup of scope rail cutout. The scope mount dovetail is deeper on the rear portion as it lacks the slight ridge of the original IMI receiver. I do not believe this has any detrimental effect.
Closeup of left side rear. The left-side selector is pulled rear ward for “fire” and “auto”. Factory semiauto Galils have a smaller hole and use a linkage to make “safe” in the rear position and “fire” in the forward position. This is a trade-off. While perhaps more ergonomic, the linkage decreases the length of the lever arm and consequently the mechanical advantage of the lever. The result is that it changes the direction of movement, but it takes almost twice the force to use the factory semi-auto style selector as it does to use longer select-fire mechanism. I think ORF made the right decision going with the larger hole, as the parts required for the factory semi-auto style (pistol grip retaining block, 2-piece linkage and linkage rivit, right side selector) are difficult to acquire. Should one desire to use the factory-style semiauto left-side selector, a sleeve can probably be fabricated without too much trouble to bring the smaller diameter selector pivot pin to the larger diameter hole.
Green Mountain Barrel
Current BATFE policy is to deny importation of barrels under an arbitrary and capricious interpretation of “non-sporting”. This means that galil barrels are currently banned from importation. The Galil parts-kits on the market today have a US made barrel made by barrels from Green Mountain Barrels. Perhaps it was through ignorance of the intended purpose, or maybe it was by the direction of the importer who commissioned the barrels, but the barrels included in the parts kit are problematic. They come without the gas port drilled (which is ok), but they come with the extractor relief cut and the handguard retainer groove already cut. This means that the barrels must be timed to a specific point.
Were these two features omitted, the barrel could simply be torqued on to wherever it stopped, top dead center marked, and these two operations done by the assembler. With these two features in place, if the barrel times short, the shoulder must be turned on lathe and possibly the chamber cut deeper. Not difficult since these are not chrome-lined barrels, but an extra $80-$120 expense for a chamber reamer. If it over times, the shoulder must be turned back and a spacing washer added (like an inch-pattern L1A1) so that it torques to top dead center.

Hopefully, Green Mountain is now aware of these issues and will make subsequent barrels without these two “thanks for helping” machining operations.

Test-Fitting Gas Tube
The dovetail for the gas tube is slightly looser than the factory, but of no detriment.
Test-Fitting Shoulder Stock
The hole for the shoulder stock pin is properly aligned
Test-Fitting Top Cover
The top cover does not fit. The front limit is too far to the rear. While this is not a difficult repair, it would have been nice if ORF made such a simple check before shipping the receiver.
The top cover does not fit. Closeup, front
The top cover does not fit. Closeup, rear.
Same top-cover fits perfectly on an IMI receiver.
Test-Fitting Magazine
Test fit magazine – IMI receiver.
Test fit magazine ORF receiver. Factory Israeli and South African steel magazine fits fine. A Thermould or an Orlite synthetic magazine will not fit. Nor will a magazine adaptor for AR-15 magazines fit (contrary to ORF’s claims). The internal profile on the front of the magazine well is different. Those wishing to use Thermould magazines or a magazine adaptor will need to open the front area slightly to allow clearance.
Test-Fitting Barrel Components
The Green Mountain barrel over-timed on the IMI receiver.
The Green Mountain barrel timed a little short on the ORF receiver.
Test-Fitting Bolt Carrier
The bolt carrier does not close all the way. The right side radius is too far to the rear. The radius on the top of the receiver to clear the web where the bolt carrier body joins the extension is significantly undersize. This is ridiculous. It doesn’t require any fancy testing equipment to take five seconds and drop a known-correct factory bolt and carrier in the receiver to test fit.

Here I demonstrate proper fit of the bolt carrier in the IMI receiver.

Note the machining on the IMI receiver to clear the bolt carrier.
Note the machining on the IMI receiver to clear the bolt carrier.
Proper machining on the IMI receiver.
Improper machining on the ORF prevents bolt carrier from closing.
Proper machining on the IMI receiver.
I made the external cuts trapezoidal cuts on the receiver to match the original. Their absence on the ORF is not a functional issue.
Here I cut the missing left side clearance.
Here I cut the missing left right side clearance.
Through generous use of marking die and repeated test fitting and comparison to the IMI receiver, I was able to machine the ORF receiver to duplicate the correct IMI spec. Here I note a spot that needs to be relieved more.
Several hours of careful work and finally the bolt carrier will fit as designed.
Fitting Barrel Components
Cutting chamber deeper
Soldering handguard retainer cut – indexed wrong and too far forward.
Recutting handguard retainer groove at correct position.
Checking headspace. GO gauge
Checking headspace. GO gauge closes.
Checking headspace. NOGO gauge
Checking headspace. NOGO gauge does not close.
Night Sights
Front Night Sights. I used luminescent paint to replace the dead tritium tubes
Rear Night Sights. I used luminescent paint to replace the dead tritium tubes
Finished Rifle
Finished Rifle, right side
Finished Rifle, left side

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