FAL Review: Williams Arms Company Aluminum FAL Receiver
(updated 04-09-2020)
Dwight Williams of Williams Arms Company in Sisters, Oregon, produced an aluminum FAL receiver. This receiver was significantly lighter than its steel counterparts an I was hopeful that it would prove to be a viable option. I reviewed my sample in 2001.
Ejector block pins machined flush. Very neat. Note unusual mill cut behind hinge pin hole.Lightening cuts and sand cuts done very nicely.
I recommend strongly against using the WAC Aluminum receiver in a rifle caliber. It endured one man’s 1000 round torture test – then cracked. Tested with proofloads by White Labratories, it failed catestrophically. I have personally examined the splintered shards of the receiver. Several other people have had locking shoulders and ejector block pins walk out. I have examined photographs of several other full and semiautomatic aluminum receivers with cracks. Although probably okay for pistol calibers, I choose not to complete this review with a live fire. I have serious reservations about its safety and structural integrity. Dwight Williams has left his customers with a pretty, but useless product.
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